Road to RoboCup Istanbul'2011
Videos 2010
Road to RoboCup Graz'2009
Videos 2008
Road to RoboCup Atlanta'2007
Organizational, relational and
individual behaviors: videos here;
Road to RoboCup Bremen'2006
Videos 2005
Formation Control movies - Videos of the Final Year Project "Controlo de Formacoes de Robots Movimentando-se num Plano" on Formation Control. Check the report on the Publications page for details.
Road to RoboCup Lisbon'2004
Road to RoboCup Padova'2003

RoboCup 2003 - Competition pictures and
golo-r2003.mpg [1,6 Mb] - Our
goal ar ROBOTICA 2003 (May 2003)
Goalkeeper.avi [14 Mb] - The
new goalkeeper developed by the Aalborg students Hans, Michael and Jakob (Jan 2003)
DrbblevsFEUP.mpg [5,27 Mb] - A dribble in the game against the FEUP Team, at Rob�ica 2002 (Apr 2002)
Road to RoboCup Seattle'2001
DribblevsDutch.mpg [2 931 Kb] - A dribble followed by a goal in the kickoff of the game with the Dutch Team, at RoboCup 2001 (Aug 2001)
Scout-self.avi (zipped) [15 Mb] -
The self-localization algorithm at work: Notice that the robot self-localizes when it stops
(sometimes does it more than once because it detects a failure) and,
even after being "kidnapped" to a completely different posture, recovers
and can get back to its home position (on the left of the image, near the
Scout-Freezone.avi (zipped) [56 Mb] - The Freezone algorithm at work: experiments include moving towards the ball
avoiding obstacles with periodic self-localization (reseting the odometry)
which is noticeable by the fact that, when the robot does not see the ball,
it gets back to its home position (on the left of the image, near the wall).
GoalsvsFEUP.mpg [9 944 Kb] - Our goals in
the game with the FEUP team, in a recent "Portugal Cup" tournament (2000/10/17)
GoalvsUminho.mpg [3 704 Kb] - Our goal in
the game with the U. Minho team, in a recent "Portugal Cup" tournament (2000/10/17)
Road to EuRoboCup Amsterdam'2000
GoalvsUlm.mpg [2 250 Kb] - Our goal in
the game with the Ulm Sparrows team, showing some team coperation (2000/June)
PenaltyvsUlm.mpg [2 989 Kb] - Our great penalties in
the 3rd-4th place game with the Ulm Sparrows team, showing the vision-based balance between
the goalkeeper (black) and the goal (blue or yellow) (2000/June)
RoboCup 2000 - Competition pictures.
Pre-Euro - Several pictures daken before
going off to participate in the European Robotic Championship. [3,146Kb]
- Using self-localization and odometry to guide a player towards a desired posture (2000/04/05) [4,654Kb] -
ISocRob's new goal-keeper (2000/03/19)
Road to RoboCup Stockholm'99
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