Pre-Euro'2000 Photos  
A very bare Scout. The front sonar has been removed giving it's place for an Ultrak camera. The upward camera and mirror set.
The Scout is very unstable without this support. And, at the time this picture was taken, the compressed air containers hadn't been installed yet, making the robot even more heavy... In order to jamm everything into the Scout, we had to raise the lid by a few centimeters...
Actually, looking back, the field is comparatively tidy... The fourth robot had just arrived the day before!!
This is how it comes from Nomadic. We add a PCI grabber, an Ultrak camera, a PC104 PCMCIA expansion, a circuit board controlling the kicker... The inside of the Scout gets very crammed. Unfortunately, the most interesting parts -- setting up of the kickers, the vision systems, the instalation of the PCMCIA/PC104 interface, etc etc -- weren't documented. Reason: TWO weeks to go!! No time for fooling around with a digital camera!