Amesterdam Competition Photos  
Luis Toscano, Pedro Lima and Rodrigo Ventura (sitting down) in a 'what next' debate. ISocRob vs ART2000 in the group stage.
Another shot of the same game -- Carlos Marques rushing in to remove another malfunctioning robot... :/ ISocRob vs Uppsala - Our robots versus the Borg.
Resistance is futile! Smokin'!
Close-up of #3 robot - The goallie! (MVP against Ulm in the group stage). Charge 'em up Scotty. the tubes are part of the pneumatic kicker.
Teams U. Minho and ISocRob (both from Portugal) after their quarter-final clash! Dominik's (Ulm) haircut!!

Teams Ulm and SocRob after the 3rd/4th place game.

Many thanks to U. Minho and GMD for puting their photos online.