
Robotic Soccer

RoboCup Robot World Cup Inniciative
RoboCup 2013 - Eindhoven
MSL official page
Middle Size League (most recent) Rules
r2011 Robótica 2011
11o. Festival Nacional de Robótica (Lisboa, IST)
RoboCup 2004 RoboCup 2004 - Portugal
r2003 Robótica 2003
3o. Festival Nacional de Robótica (Lisboa, C. Congressos de Lisboa)
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto - FEUP
Portuguese Small and Middle Size Team
UMinho Minho Team
University of Minho
Portuguese Middle Size Team
ISEPorto ISePorto Team
Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP)
Portuguese Middle Size Team
FC Portugal
University of Aveiro and FEUP
Portuguese Simulation Team
University of Aveiro
Portuguese Middle-Size Team
ISEPorto Robótica Académica de Coimbra
Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica - FCT - U. Coimbra
Portuguese Small Size Team


IdMind IdMind
Makers of the OmniSocRob hardware platform.
Makers of the OmniSocRob mechanical platform.


SelfTech SelfTech
Former project members, developers of MeRMaID middleware.
openSUSE Linux openSUSE
All of the Robots are equiped with our favourite Linux flavour: openSUSE!
GNU Software GNU Software
Where would we be without them? gcc & make is our daily bread.
XEmacs XEmacs
Power editing!
Tcl/Tk Tcl/Tk
Use of Tcl/Tk (teakle-tee-kay) makes graphic applications a whole of a lot simpler!
Tcl/Tk Gtk
The Gnome toolkit was used when implementing a color segmentation interface.
Doxtgen Doxygen
Our everyday documentation tool.
Partimage Partimage
Backup/Restore and copy of disk partitions.