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18-22 Mar 2015 —
RoCKin Camp 2015 (Peccioli, Italy), where the Mbot platform (nicknamed MORDOMO for MOnarch Robot for DOMestic Operations) was demonstrated in the intelligent home of ECHORD++ RIF at U. Pisa's Service Robotics and Ambient Assisted Living Lab, winning the
RoCKIn@Home Benchmarking Award.
26-30 Nov 2014 —
RoCKin 2014 (Toulouse, France), where we used our new Mbot platform to compete in a mockup of an intelligent house, winning the
Best Demo Award.

From left to right. Top: Francisco Lera, Pedro Lima, Rodrigo Ventura, João Messias, João Mendes. Bottom: Filipe Jesus, André Farinha
28-30 June 2013 —
RoboCup 2013 (Eindhoven, Netherlands), where SocRob participated with TWO teams:
SocRob MSL in the Middle-Size League (MSL) and
SocRob Rescue in the Robot Rescue League (RRL).

From left to right. Pedro Lima, Aamir Ahmad, Miguel Serafim, João Messias, João Reis, Pedro Resende, João Mendes, Filipe Jesus, Henrique Ribeiro, Rodrigo Ventura

From left to right. Henrique Ribeiro, Rodrigo Ventura, João Mendes, Filipe Jesus

From left to right. João Mendes, Rodrigo Ventura, Filipe Jesus