Pictures and Movies
Human Team
| Pics and Movies |
AAMAS 2008
AIBOs Having Fun
- AAMAS08 Best Robotic Demo Award
Passes with commitments and synchronization
- [9,173KB] Work done by Pier Francesco Palamara (U. Rome, "La Sapienza") at ISR/IST.
Passes with commitments and synchronization (including Petri net)
- [5,297KB]
RoboCup 2007
Qualification videos
RoboCup 2006 Qualification Video
Qualification Video for 2006
- showing one new individual behavior and one relational behavior.
Startup Laboratory Pictures and Movies
AIBO and ball
- Initial tests with sample codes.
AIBO and ball - 2
- Initial tests with sample codes.
AIBO and ball - 3
- Initial tests with sample codes.
AIBO and ball - 4
- Initial tests with sample codes.
AIBO, ball and goal
- Initial tests with sample codes in the field.
AIBO, ball and goal - 2
- Initial tests with sample codes in the field.
AIBO, ball and goal - 3
- Initial tests with sample codes in the field.
AIBO showoff :)
- Robot and ball standing for the picture.
AIBO showoff :) - 2
- Robot and ball standing for the picture.
AIBO showoff :) - 3
- Robot and ball standing for the picture.
Raw picture
- Raw picture taken by the robot.
Segemented picture
- Segmented picture based on the previous raw image.
Distinguishing ball
- [5.529KB] Movie showing AIBO distinguishing between 2 orange balls.
Picking ball and shoot
- [5.527KB] Movie showing AIBO picking the ball and shooting to the goal.
Turning with ball and score
- [5.527KB] Movie showing the robot turning to the goal and scoring.