**SocRob** is a **long-term project at [[http://welcome.isr.ist.utl.pt/home/|Institute for Systems and Robotics]] from [[http://tecnico.ulisboa.pt/en/|Instituto Superior Técnico]] university**, encompassing a broad range of efforts towards teams of robots to perform tasks, with particular focus on the participation in scientific competitions.
===== About Us =====
**"SocRob"** has two different meanings: __**Soc**__cer __**Rob**__ots and __**Soc**__iety of __**Rob**__ots.
[{{:socrobmsl.jpg?nolink&300 |SocRob MSL robots}}]
We started participating in RoboCup Soccer competitions (Middle Soccer League) in **1998** as **SocRob**, deeply endorsed to the idea that **scientific competitions are a strong push towards addressing challenging scientific problems** that arise when effectively deploying real robots in the real world. We got to participate in both **4-Legged League** and **Simulation League** as well.
[{{ :raposa_quad.jpg?direct&300|SocRob Rescue robots: RAPOSA-NG and Quadcopter}}]
Since 2006 (ELROB) we started competing in other domains, such as robots for urban search and rescue with **SocRob@Rescue**. We introduced to RoboCup Rescue a ground robot, **RAPOSA-NG**, where a stereo camera mounted in a Pan&Tilt was controlled using a **Head Mounted Display**. A **quadcopter** was used to acquire visual data for RAPOSA-NG to begin searching for victims.
Currently, our team is committed to **service robots in domestic, healthcare, and office environments** with an unified team named **SocRob @Home**. Nonetheless, **SocRob Rescue** is also in constant development, although is it currently presented outside the competition scope and performing only for public demonstrations.
[{{:pastteam.jpg?direct&300x150 |SocRob in EuRoboCup 2000 }}]
[{{ :team.jpg?nolink&300x150|SocRob @Home in Robótica 2014}}]
[{{:erl.jpg?300x150|SocRob @Home in European Robotics League 2017 Lisbon }}]
[{{ :erl2017.jpg?300x150|SocRob @Home in European Robotics League 2017 Barcelona}}]
[{{ :robotica2018.jpg?350 |SocRob @Home in Robótica 2018}}]
===== Follow Us =====
If you wish, you can **follow us on Facebook** and share our page with all your friends:
===== Join Us =====
[{{ :teamwork.jpg?direct&300|SocRob @Home team in Rome, Italy}}]
Are you looking for an amazing experience with **real robots in a team environment**, while contributing actively for **state-of-art research** and gaining personal experience that will prove** fruitful to your academic and professional future**?
If you're interested in joining SocRob, please send us a mail to socrob-info (AT) isr.ist.utl.pt or contact our personal mails stating **who you are, our motivations, your academic background** and **how you would contribute** to this project. Also, check [[requisites|here]] for **more information** about our work and some requisites.
We're willing to accept **new**, **motivated** members to our team!
===== Contacts =====
[{{ :ist11.jpg?300|North Tower from IST, Lisbon, Portugal}}]
**General contact:** socrob-info (AT) isr.ist.utl.pt
**Project Coordinator** \\
[[http://users.isr.ist.utl.pt/~pal|Pedro M.U.A. Lima]] (Associate Professor) \\
pedro.lima (AT) tecnico.ulisboa.pt
**Prof. in charge**\\
[[http://users2.isr.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/~yoda/newhome/|Rodrigo Ventura]](Assistant Professor) \\
rodrigo.ventura (AT) isr.tecnico.ulisboa.pt
**Team Leaders** \\
[[https://fenix.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/homepage/ist427648|Oscar Lima]] (PhD Student) \\
olima (AT) isr.tecnico.ulisboa.pt
[[http://users.isr.ist.utl.pt/%7Eglawless/doku.php|Guilherme Lawless]] (PhD Student) \\
guilherme.lawless (AT) tecnico.ulisboa.pt
===== Former Website =====
The former SocRob webpage, regarding all of Soccer competitions (Middle Sized League, 4-Legged League and Simulation League) from 1997 to 2011 can be found [[http://socrob.isr.ist.utl.pt/socrob_msl.php|here]].
[[http://socrob.isr.ist.utl.pt/socrob_msl.php|{{ :oldpage.jpg?nolink&300 |}}]]